Lectura: 1 min 10s

Ports de Catalunya-ACPET (Catalan Association of Ports and Tourism) launched on August 1, an innovative guide called Econautic – Recreational Navigation.

This guide promotes sustainable and respectful navigation with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact of navigation and raising awareness among users about the conservation of the marine environment and coastal landscapes. Composed of 23 sheets, the guide offers advice on good environmental practices for sailors and sea users, both within port docks and in the open sea, using accessible language and attractive illustrations.

The initiative, presented on July 31, represents a turning point in the environmental awareness of the nautical sector in Catalonia. Ports de Catalunya-ACPET, which had already developed a similar guide for nautical sportsmen in 2023, seeks to promote sustainable practices among all sailors and sea users, thus contributing to the protection of marine ecosystems, biodiversity and the health of the Mediterranean Sea.

The ECONàutic guide is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 and the Ports Plan 2030 to make ports more sustainable and green.

You can find the guide at this link on our website: Environment.