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Like every summer, you can not miss a concert of habaneras. This year we are pleased to invite you to the marina on July 27th at 22h and celebrate an evening of entertainment by the hand of the NORAI Group. The performance consists of two parts of 45 minutes, with an intermission of 15 minutes in which Rom burnt will be served.

NORAI is a group of habaneras from the town of Palamos formed in 2008 and consists of 4 members, including voices and instrumentalists who offer a very lively musical composition focused on the seafaring song from around the world. 

They present musical pieces accompanied by two or three instruments that change in each song, like the double bass that, together with the classical guitar and the accordion make the musical base.

Their musical trajectory is well recognized, they have sung, among other festivals, in the Muestra de la Habanera Catalana de Palamós and also in the Semana Grande de Bilbao. In addition to almost all the Catalan regions, they have performed in Italy, France and Germany.

We all enjoy Habaneras at Costa Brava, but… do you know the history of habaneras?

Habaneras are a traditional musical genre in Spain that dates back to the 19th century

Originally they were not sung, but danced. They were very popular in the salons of Habana, especially among the nobility.

Habaneras arrived in Spain, and therefore in Catalonia, through the Spanish lyrical-dramatic genre, the Zarzuela, but also through the ‘plecs i canyes’, a kind of newspaper sold in the villages by visually impaired people. Once heard in the theater, the neighbors continued to sing them in taverns, bars and at home.

The themes vary, but the vast majority of the songs are about women, the sea and fishermen, and the vast majority are sung by men.

Would you like to share an unforgettable evening with us? We are waiting for you on July 27th at 22h!